Flash Pool (Ontology)
Changelog of Flash Pool (Ontology)
September 8, 2020
Support ONT
Users could supply with ONT
Pre-supply ONT started
September 12, 2020
Start releasing WING incentives
WING was released at 0.06 WING/Sec
Incentives: ONT 1x
(1x stands for 1 time)
Released WING tokens as incentives
September 15, 2020
Incentives: ONTd 1x
Incentives: ONTd 10x,pWBTC 1x,pRENBTC 1x, pUSDC 1x;
Started Phase One of the Mining Celebration
September 15, 2020
Change WING’s distribution rate
0.06 WING/Sec
0.6 WING/Sec
Started the Mining Celebration
September 15, 2020
Launch Binance Launchpool for Wing
130,000 WING released within 30 days
September 18, 2020
Support WING
Incentives: WING 10x
Increased the use cases of WING
September 20, 2020
Change WING’s distribution rate and incentives weight
0.6 WING/Sec
Incentives: ONTd 10x, pWBTC 1x, pRENBTC 1x, pUSDC 1x
0.3 WING/Sec
Incentives: ONTd 5x, pWBTC 5x, pRENBTC 5x, pUSDC 5x
Started Phase Two of the Mining Celebration
September 22, 2020
Support pETH
Incentives: pETH 5x
September 23, 2020
Launch borrowing, lending and insuring features, Support ONTd, WING, pWBTC, pRENBTC, pUSDC and pETH
Basic Interest Rate: 2.52%
Distribution ratios (Borrowing : Lending : Insuring) : 45% : 45% : 10%
Reserve Factor: 5%
Collateral factor: ONTd 0%, WING 0%, pWBTC 50%, pRENBTC 50%, pUSDC 80%, pETH 80%
Launched borrowing, lending and insuring features
September 25, 2020
Change WING’s distribution rate
0.3 WING/Sec
0.18 WING/Sec
Started Phase Three of the Mining Celebration
September 25, 2020
Support pDAI and pUSDT
Collateral factor: pDAI 80%, pUSDT 60%
Incentives; pDAI 5x, pUSDT 5x
September 30, 2020
Change WING’s distribution rate and assets incentives
0.18 WING/Sec
Incentives: WING 10x, ONT 5x, WBTC 5x, RENBTC 5x, USDC 5x, ETH 5x
0.06 WING/Sec
Incentives: ONT 1x, WBTC 1x, RENBTC 1x, USDC 1x, ETH 1x
Mining Celebration ended
September 30, 2020
WING was eliminate from the group of assets available in the borrowing, lending and insuring features
WING Incentives: 10x
The Insurance Pool stayed open where WING could be supplied.
WING insurance lock: 72h
WING Incentives:0x
The Insurance Pool was closed and WING could not longer be used as supply
WING insurance lock: 0h
WING returned to its role as the governance token
September 30, 2020
Increase collateral factor of ONTd
September 30, 2020
Support pNEO and pSUSD
Collateral factor: pNEO 50%, pSUSD 80%
Incentives: pNEO 1x, pSUSD 1x
September 30, 2020
Support pUNI
Collateral factor: 65%
Incentives: 1x
October 14, 2020
Increase the Reserve Factor
October 26, 2020
Re-support WING for lending, borrowing and insuring
Collateral factor: 40%
Incentives: 1x
Enable the WING Insurance feature
Insurance lock time: 72 hours
October 30, 2020
Change WING's distribution rate
0.06 WING/Sec
0.036 WING/Sec
November 9, 2020
Use WING as the sole insurance asset
All assets in the Insurance Pool 10% received the allocated 10% of the total WING incentives
Only WING in the Insurance Pool receives the allocated 10% of the total WING incentives
November 10, 2020
Support ONG
Collateral factor: 40%
Incentives: 1x
November 19, 2020
Change WING's incentives model for borrowed assets
All borrowed assets could earn WING incentives
Borrowed assets can earn WING incentives only if with 3% of the value of the borrowed assets' WING locked
December 1, 2020
Increase collateral factor of pUSDT
December 15, 2020
Allow the same WING address to insure while supplying or borrowing
WING under a single address can only participate in one of Supplying, Borrowing, or Insuring at the same time
WING under a single address can insure while supplying or borrowing at the same time
December 17, 2020
Increase the insured WING reimbursement rate
December 25, 2020
Change interest rate model
Introduce a kink point into the interest rate model at utility of 80%
December 25, 2020
Change WING's incentive distribution model
Based on interest per asset
Based on utility*borrowed amount per asset
December 31, 2020
Increase collateral factor of pwBTC and prenBTC
January 8, 2021
Increase collateral factor of ONTd
January 14, 2021
Support pYFI
Collateral factor: 55%
Incentives: 1x
Mar 25, 2021
Lower the liquidation bonus of pUSDC, pDAI, pUSDT and pSUSD
Mar 25, 2021
WING locked by borrowers
Be eligible for voting
Apr 6, 2021
Change WING's incentive distribution model
0.036 WING/Sec
Distribute WING incentives based on the median borrow amount from the previous day among pools
July 19, 2021
Adjust Collateral Factors for ONG, pYFI
Collateral factor: ONG 40%, pYFI 55%
Collateral factor: ONG 45%, pYFI 50%
August 9, 2021
Adjust Reserve Factors for
Reserve Factor: All 15%
Reserve Factor: pSUSD 20%, ONTd 20%, pNEO 20%, pUNI 20%, pYFI 25%, ONG 25%, WING 30%,pUSDT 10%, pUSDC 10%
WIP-42 & WIP-43
August 30, 2021
Adjust Collateral Factors for pNEO, pETH, ONG
Collateral factor: ONG 45%, pETH 80%, pNEO 50%
Collateral factor: ONG 55%, pETH 85%, pNEO 55%
September 15, 2021
Adjust Liquidation Bonuses for pSUSD, pETH, WING
Liquidation Bonus: pSUSD 5%, pETH 8%, WING 8%
Liquidation Bonus: pSUSD 8%, pETH 5%, WING 10%
September 12, 2021
Change WING's distribution rate
According to the Release Mode of WING Token and WIP-8
April 15, 2022
Add FLM to the Wing Flash Pool (Ontology)
Collateral Factors: FLM 45%
Liquidation Bonus: FLM 10%
Reserve Factor:
FLM 25%
FLM 2x
May 19, 2022
Optimize the Competitive Distribution Model
Adjustment Cycle: Real-time
Adjustment Cycle:
7 days
May 23, 2022
Launch Wing on the Ontology EVM
Asset Collateral Factors: WING (40%), ONT (60%), ONG (50%), ETH (85%), WBTC (75%), USDT (80%), USDC (80%)
Sep 12, 2022
Change WING's distribution rate
0.03 WING/Sec
0.024 WING/Sec
According to the Release Mode of WING Token and WIP-8
Jul 20, 2023
Suspend the burn operation
Due to the Poly Network hack incident, the burning process was urgently halted.
Sep 12, 2023
Change WING's distribution rate
0.018 WING/Sec
According to the Release Mode of WING Token and WIP-8
Mar 30, 2024
Delist prenBTC in Wing Flash Pool
Adjustment Cycle: Real-time
Mar 30, 2024
Solution for Wing Flash Pool (Ontology EVM) Interest Rate Error
The total amount in the Reserve is about $111,113.08, and the total amount of Reserve compensation is $87,777.13. The amount of Reserve will end up with $111,113.08-$87,777.13=$23,335.87.
Mar 30, 2024
Set Lending Interest to 0% for Ontology Flash Pool
Set Lending Interest to 0%
Sep 12, 2024
Change WING's distribution rate
0.018 WING/Sec
0.012 WING/Sec
According to the Release Mode of WING Token and WIP-8
Last updated
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