BabySwap Liquidity Mining Tutorial
Add WING-USDT liquidity on BabySwap and earn BABY rewards by staking their LP tokens.
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Add WING-USDT liquidity on BabySwap and earn BABY rewards by staking their LP tokens.
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Reminder: Operations require transaction fees. Please prepare enough BNB in advance to avoid transaction failures.
Download ONTO App and Create ONT ID Wallet
Add Chain Wallet in ONT ID Wallet
Sending and Receiving Binance Smart Chain Assets
Click "+" on the Asset Page and search for WING
Find the corresponding WING under the BSC and click "+" on the right to see the WING on the Asset Page. Click to enter the asset details page and click "Receive" to view the wallet address.
If you already have WING on the Ontology , you can cross-chain WING to the Binance Smart Chain on the ONTO Market page. The steps are as follows:
Click "Market"
Select WING and enter the amount
Click "Swap Now"-"Confirm", enter the password and the WING will be crossed from Ontology to Binance Smart Chain
Click on the "Discover" Page
Search BabySwap
Click "Confirm" in the disclaimer pop-up window to enter the dApp
Click "Connect"
Select "ONTO Wallet"
Select the currency to be exchanged and fill in the exchange amount
Click "Approve USDT"-"Confirm" and enter the password in the pop-up window (only required for the first time)
Click "Swap" -> "Confirm Swap", click "Confirm" in the pop-up window and enter the password to complete the exchange
"Liquidity"— "Add Liquidity"
Select WING-USDT trading pair, fill in the number of assets to be added or click "MAX" to add all
Click "Approve WING" and enter the wallet password in the pop-up window to complete the approvement (only required for the first time)
Click "Supply"
Click "Confirm Supply", click "Confirm" in the pop-up window and enter the password to add liquidity
To withdraw liquidity, find the trading pair that has added liquidity under "Liquidity" -> "Your liquidity", click and select "Remove" and follow the instructions to withdraw liquidity.
Click on the "≡<" symbol in the upper left corner—"Farm"
Click "≡" and select WING-USDT
After clicking "Enable", enter the password in the pop-up window (only required for the first time)
Click "Stake LP" to stake
Fill in the number of LP tokens to be staked or click "MAX" to stake all
Click "Confirm" and click "Confirm" again in the pop-up window and enter the wallet password to complete the stake
After staking, you can check the amount of LP tokens, the annualized rate of return and the multipler
1) To cancel the stake, find the trading pair mining pool in "Farm" and click "—", follow the instructions to cancel the stake.
2) To withdraw the BABY income, select the trading pair mining pool in "Farm", click "Harvest" and follow the instructions to withdraw the income.